Four Reasons Why You Need To Hire A Travel Planner vs. DIY Travel Planning

We absolutely get it, planning a trip can be overwhelming and time-consuming — and a little nerve-racking. People typically turn to the internet to book flights, hotels, and activities for their trips but, what if we said working with a local travel planner can save you time and money while ensuring a smooth and stress-free travel experience?! We love what we do and that's why we are here to shout it from the rooftops about why hiring a travel planner can make your travel enjoyable! Here's why you should consider working with a local travel planner for your next trip:

You Are Offered Time-Saving Benefits When Hiring a Travel Planner

You have a life, work, and family responsibilities, so planning a trip (while fun) can also be time-consuming. Add in any local laws, visa needs, etc. and you could end up with one mistake that costs the entire trip. Or, you don't get to do all you want because you never found time to truly dive into the trip and plan adventures, excursions, and more. That's where we can in to save the day as travel planners.

Plus, we also have created relationships with local vendors, hotels, and tour operators, so we already potentially have our own little Rolodex of people we know and trust in your location.

Travel Agents Offer Local Expertise In Areas You Are Interested in Traveling To

One of the biggest advantages of working with a local travel planner is their expertise and knowledge of the destination. Local travel planners are well-versed in hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path experiences that you might not find through online research. We are here to ensure your interests are taken into account and have the time to dig deep into the destination and what is there. Plus, we've potentially worked with the planning of this destination before, so we have the benefit of feedback from other travelers as well.

Also, travel planners offer personalized service (like we do at Highland Events) and create customized itineraries that suit your individual or family needs. Whether you're looking for a family-friendly vacation at Disney World, a romantic getaway in Hawaii, or an adventurous expedition through the Swiss Alps, a local travel planner can design a trip that aligns with your expectations and budget.

Travel Planners Are a Cost-Effective Way To Utilize Your Time and Money While Travel Planning

"But this will add to the total cost of the trip!"

These is the general initial thoughts behind planning your own vacation vs. travel planner help. But, working with a local travel planner can actually SAVE you money. Travel planners have access to exclusive deals, promotions, and industry discounts that are not widely available to the public and can find bundles and other perks you might not be able to find from searching the internet.

Plus, we know how to make our traveler’s money work for them and we can help you allocate your resources wisely, avoid unnecessary expenses, and avoid touristy locations (that won’t be enjoyable or worth your time and money), ultimately maximizing the value of your travel investment.

Travel Agents Create Support System While Traveling Domestically and Internationally

Travel planners can provide peace of mind and essential support for anything that may not go according to plan. Last-minute itinerary changes, rebooking flights, and figuring out new accommodations are all things that CAN happen and we are there to help fix them. Knowing this when traveling somewhere new or where there may be things such as language barriers can be a sigh of relief knowing you have someone to help you.

By entrusting your travel plans to a knowledgeable professional like us here at Highland Events, you can enjoy a budget-friendly, organized, and bespoke travel experience without the stress and hassle of planning every detail on your own time (and on your own dime).

Contact us today to begin planning your next adventure. As Bend, Oregon's premier travel planners, we want to help you whether you are planning your family cruise to Bermuda, jumping on a plane to Ireland, or simply enjoying the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

Four Reasons Why You Need To Hire A Travel Planner vs. DIY Travel Planning with Highland Events, Bend, Oregon premier travel planner logo at bottom of image. Background is black with gold lettering.

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